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y [ E ] u [ L ]

broken barbie

- speak up or shuddup! -

spammers, F*CK OFF!

Somehow or rather, i dun wish to remember all those painful memories. As for the sweetest ones tat i had, it will be locked in my heart and mind, FOREVA.



Nurul Jannah Ali
aka yEuL
foreva 21
Mummy's & Daddy's spoilt brat
Talkative BUT YET secretive


Email ; indecisive-beb@hotmail.com


This is a PERSONAL blog, which will be written, expressed and reflected by me.
Should there be something you're unhappy about, then im sorry, goodbye!
Simply exit from my page.
It will be much appreciated.
Thank you!


Saturday, May 29, 2010

i will juz highlight on the most important part [well, to me at least. bueks~] of KakakLove's blog entry. hehe! dis is wat she wrote ;

A - Adik beradik
My siblings and I used to be like strangers. We hardly talk to each other because I tend to be on my own everytime I was at home. But, as time goes by, my siblings are already like a part of me. Especially the girls!!! I'm more close with my sis Nurul Jannah since si kecik Nur Amalina stays with our grandma.
I remember when I was still single, Jannah (yucks when I call her this) and I shared the same bed, same room, we even shared gossips, bitching, jokes and of course, our latest updates. Oh, I miss those days..

B - Binatang
Binatang yg paling aku suka adalah zebra. I have lotsa things with zebra prints. Be it hairclips, hairband, tops, dresses, skirts and tights.
The next one would be kucing. Sebab, dulu aku takut kucing, sekarang tidak lagi… Thanks to Lan, the ex.

D - Durian
Dulu aku suka and boleh makan durian, and there was a period where I could neither eat nor smell the durians. Thanks to Hisham, the ex. But…. I can eat durians now!! Thanks to dearest hubby.

G - Grunge
I remember my cousin Lina and I used to dress up in Grunge! Our kental days….. hahahaha... tsk tsk.

H - Handphones
I've started to use handphone when I was in Secondary 4 which I bought it with my own money. Nokia 8250 was my first owned mobile. Lemme try to think how many handphones I've used so far. Well, this is what I could remember: Nokia "The Banana" phone(this is mummy's hp but she let me used it for a period of time), Nokia 8250, Nokia 6600, A Samsung flip phone that I had found. Not sure what's the model number though. Nokia N95, China phone that comes with a built-in tv, Nokia N97, Nokia E63, iphone 3G, Nokia E71, latest mobile; Blackberry.

O - Opposite attracts
Ada ke patut adik aku si Nurul Jannah tu tak paham apa makna opposite attracts?? Please eh dik….

dis will be my rply to eur post KakakLove. STANDBY~ nyehehe!


YESSSS! i miss those tymes too! nangis oso together eh! joget same2. kekek same2. tgk cite ape title tu? lupe ah! asik teringat 'God of Gambler' jek! tu cite Steven Chao siot! hahaa! yg cite "yuan tu fu shu" tuuu~ i noe eu paham me. hehe! anddddd, kalau feel yuckies to panggil "Jannah", jgn panggil larh gendeng! ape ckp~ HAHAHA!


eu forgotten sumtin! leopard printssss! ingat? oso, "tiger, tiger wood!" barang baekkkk~ hah! and afta reading dis part, now i realise Fad is soo much alike as Lan. HAHAHA! da dgn rambut baru dier, dgn jacket dier 24/7, jln pie-kia dier. gosh! mcm clone siaa. hehs. and i dint noe Lan lykes cat too. coz Fad haf cats and kittens too kt uma. and he lovessss em more den he loves me![ i tink? nyehehe!] ohh, and talkin bout eu not being afraid of cats anymre, remember 'Tiger'? paling favret kucing seyy tu! winduuuuu! =(


Hisham?! VROOM VROOOMMMM! vespa, here i comeeee to mcd spore posttttt! tulis surat, bagi bunge~ HAHAHA!


HAHAHA! lyrics kalau nyanyi pelat pon ttap krg undastnd each other eh?! hee! joget ulat and joget mengelitis satu plssss! ;)


tu psl aritu tnye handphone zaman gemilang dier sume! rupenye da standby nk type "composition" panjang2 nie! huahuahua~


BIASA BRO! hahaha! saye kn higher english. english awak pakai tu small the pieces oni! mudah utk difahamkn. pls eh kak..... HAHAHA!

**end of my replies. tankiu horr!**

niwaes, i stil haven made the decision. it juz seems to be gettin too seriuz. i duno. im juz half hearted. it has yet to be proven ENOUGH. well, from my point of view larh kan? haix. and i'v been gettin way too cranky and sensitive lately due to the hotttt weather, and aunt flo. kesian dier sumtymes. tapi kekadang tu macam mmg patot pon ade. hehe! ntahla. i duno. im confused. HELLPPP!!!!

psst ; PhatLove. =)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

OMG. i cnt believed i juz teared. AGAIN. ='(

am i juz being too paranoid? im seriuzly fcukin worried bout my condition as days past by. lyke seriuzly siaa. it may seems lyke im happily smiling and laughing ard my loved ones. but my inner self? i'v been tinkin alotttt. even he realise it. i'l tend to shut myself up, most of the tyme wen im wif him. especially wen he talks bout tat issue too. coz i was afraid tat i'l be unfair towards him, wif me being lyke dis.

and believe it onot, tears still rollin dwn my quarter pounder cheeks as im typing out dis entry.


fcuk yeul. stop being a wet blanket! and btw, my "holiday's" gonna end in 2 days tyme. anotha shittos! pfft. but, im half hearted actuali. excited pluss lazy. hehs. been too long resting at home i guess.

psst ; Allah, show me eur guidance plss? =(

Friday, May 21, 2010

Time Check ; 4.34 am

i juz put down the phone wif him. up till dis day, i realise tat he has done alottttt for me. sumtymes, i juz dun undastnd myself. wat more do i want from him? why am i being unfair towards him? afta all tat kinda treatment he gets from me, he still can remain patient. sigh. dun eu tink eur being selfish yeul?

i dunno why, but guess im too afraid of all dis ardy. eversince afta H? i mean, the feelings for him is definitely der, and its developing stronger each day. for sure it is! juz tat, i dunno why the hesitation in me? im takin a step at a tyme. juz goin wif the flow. if its meant to be, it will be ryte? ryteee?


ohh! ohh! and i loveeeeee how i spent my nyte wif my sec kul klazmates last wkend! sheesha-ing and chill-ing session afta tat. eventho im the oni gerl left at the end of the nyte, who cares ryte?! as long as i had fun wif my bros! hehs. those stry tellin sessions we had. haix~ memories! laughters! everyting! we ended up reaching home bout 4am. woohooo! seriuzly, sec skul tymes are THE best moments of our lyfes! hell yeaahhh! *winx*

pics ardy being uploaded in FB. too lazy to upload more pics in my blog larh. damn slow! hahaha! so, enjoy viewing my FB la horr?! gonna catch my beauty slp for now. later gonna be maid in action! hmph! gud mornyte evryoneee!

nie baru org kater, SAMSENG JALANAN! ;P

psst ; cant wait for wkends sistaaasss! yay-ness!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

why does it oways turns out the opposite? why?! and true enuff, why are we oways ignoring the one who like us, but like the one whos ignoring us? i min okelaa, i undastnd tat he's not gud in confessing and stuffs lydat. but at leaz gimme a hint can? im totally clueless bout evryting. eur unpredictable.

on the otha hand, sumone's ardy tryna get tings seriuz wif me huh? for now, i dunno. but since day 1, he's been making tat small lil sacrifices for me. and i used to haf a baaadddddd impression on him the ferst tyme. nyehehe! but seriuzly, im not sure for now. i do appreciate tat small sacrifices tat he did. buttttt~ let nature takes its coz la horr?

abe skrg, yg 'past tenses' sumer dtg alik. one by one! sume kalo ajak jmpe, sume kena anta reject shp dgn aku. hehe! haix~ susah larh kan kalau da generasi turon menuron nie. org atasan aku sudaa terang kakakku! e-chu jierrrrr! hahaha~

pls eh yeul! prangai stop it. mintak kena sepak dlm lift je siak! HAHAHA!


ohh ohh! and im freakkiiinnnnggggg excited for dis wkends! yay-ness! *kening naik-naik*

psst ; confused state of mind. =/

Monday, May 10, 2010

Alhamdulillah, Ya Allah~


I hope dis tyme ard, i wont be lyke last tyme. even if i do miss any of it, at least i'll still rmber how it goes. and i wish to thank tat one particular person, for his endless guidance and support. if it weren't for him, i tink i wud still be oni saying, and not applying to it. as wat i'v oways did the past years. so to eu, THANK YOU. *smiles*

hmm, niwae, sumtymes i wonder knape la minah tudung nie sume prangai agi burok, tak senonoh, bacin, bedano, smelly feet, busok ati, daripd pompan yg tk pkai tudung langsung? sampai sanggup hancurkn rumah tangga org laen. tkd otak pe nk pkir tu pompan? otak letak kt bontot agaknye! yg jantan tu pon 2x5 jgak! otak, otak ba'ong siak! lyke wat i'v said,

I SHALL NOT JUZ SIT DOWN AND WATCH MY GFS BEING CHEATED BY EU FCUKIN JERKS!!!! asses~ bodo siaa~ abe yg pompan tu pon letak kat blog mcm gudgud jek! mcm tk bersalah je. haix, tk paham la aku. kalo nk prangai mcm gtu, tudung tu bukak la dulu. malukn masyarakat jek~ *shakes head*

enuff bout them la. i rmber sumone said dis to me, "biar org buat kite, jgn kite buat org~" so, yeaa. dey'll get their retribution one day. eu chillax oke gf? we'r here for eu. *hugss*

and to my 2 irrit sistas, GAMBAR DA UPLOAD! go self-svc! yg penting, wa paling cute! nyehehe! ;)

"adik badan makin pejal skrg. sexy~ dulu tkde ni mcm."- Daddy.

HAHAHA! nie cnfrm kakak and adikku dgr tlinge bebulusss eh?!

nwdys he oways lyke to say dis sentence. thnx larh horr daddy! i take tat as a compliment. heheh! sistas, ingat mummy ajar, tkmo iri hati oke?


psst ; [S][M][H][B][S][Z][A][A]

Monday, May 3, 2010

im glad and thankful tat it didnt turn out well between us. i guess if all tat didnt hpn, i wudnt haf managed to find out the truth tat nyte. THANK GOD! phew!

and mebbe, if we'r stil in gud terms, i cudnt even gt the chance to noe him. sumone whos much much betta den eu i can say? well, at leaz hes leading me to the ryte path of lyfe. in wich, i'v been longing to learn, and needed sumone's guidance on it.

so dude, save eur crocodile tears. eu noe wat? when i confessed to my gfs bout it, dey gt shocked too. dey didnt xpect tat kinda reaction frm eu, coz dey too noe tat eur actuali sumone who's rough. but heyy, i dun fcukin care ryte now. wadev i'v found out the otha nyte oso, i cnt be bothered ardy. do as eu deem fit oke?

all i noe is tat, im tryna change for the betta now, and im workin on it bit by bit. pluss, so wat even if im attracted to him? i dun see anythings wrong wif it.


psst ; dun tel me eur sorry, coz eur not.

Friday, April 30, 2010



hows everyone doin so far? its been a mth since i last blogged huh? well, as some of eu may ardy noe, me and daddy did our operation last mth. so yeaa, we'r bof still recuperating for now. thank god everything went smoothly. syukur, Alhamdulillah~ im still on long mc. 57 days of holidays! hehs. but, i still need to follow up wif my doc every wk, 2-3 tymes. damn tiring i must say. lotsa procedures nid to be done. but, as long as he can assure everything is fine, im oke wif it. *winx*

nevertheless, im itching to go back to werk and meet my frens! especially my part tyme job colleagues. lyke how dey missed me, im missin em even more! as for my full tyme job, im gonna try to work xtra harder, in a way of repaying em afta wat dey've done for me and famly. i can nvr thank em enuff. seriuzly. eventho dey'r bunch of ppl wif full of sarcasm, dey haf a heart of gold, at least. thank eu, the Lee's famly. *smiles*

i swear, i've been thru alot the past years. especially dis HUGE HUGE test tat Allah has given to my famly, and me, specifically. i'v shed buckets and buckets of tears. i was depressed. but on a positive note, dis test has transformed me from a weakling gerl who used to take things for granted, into a more mature and strong lady. and bcoz of tat, i wanna werk my ass off, and repay to those ppl who haf been standing by me, supporting and motivating me endlessly, wen im at my lowest point of tyme. especially my dearest famly. i dunno how im gonna survive witout em.


hmm, and Insyaallah wif the guidance and motivations im gonna get frm -S.M.H-, i'll able to open up my heart, and restart back tat ONE thing i'v been wanting to start since years ago. so awak, eu must help me in dis oke? *insert act cute face*

oryte den. shall end here for now. gotta get ready for anotha doc appt later! ohh! before i forget, i wanna thank eu'll who haf been praying for me and daddy oke? thank eu soo soo much. Allah shall repay eu for eur kind deeds. tkcr lovesss! *hugs*

psst ; slowly, but surely! ;)